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 招聘职位:  招聘职位已经过期
招聘日期: 2024-4-29 ~ 2024-5-29
工作地点: 广东深圳
联 系 人: 彭生
联系电话: (0769)13809270169
联系地址: 广东广州横沥镇
月    薪: 面议
招聘类型: 全职
工作经验: 4年以上
学历要求: 本科
性别要求: 不限
年龄要求: 不限岁以上
  Friend/Lifestyle/Fashion (交友/休闲/时尚制作)程序设计师 4年以上经验
Job Description:
The Media team is looking for individuals to support Lifestyle/Fashion
projects. As an associate producer, you will be responsible for designing,
implementing, and maintaining Lifestyle/Fashion services with limited
supervision. You will corporate with other functional teams to deliver quality
products on time. An ideal candidate should be able to handle multiple projects
at the same time and pay attention to details. Keen insights on users’ needs
and ability to analyze numbers and data are also required. Most important, you
should be able to communicate with coworkers inside and clients outside the
company with positive attitude.
· At least 4-year experience in Lifestyle/Fashion related magazine industries
· Familiar with basic Internet related technologies, like HTML
· Strong experiences in product planning, content aggregation, and partner
· Excellent project management and communication skills
熟悉 JSP / Linux / java script / flash 及资料库开发
具 Internet 应用程序开发经验 ; 熟悉 c/c++ 语言
具备网络 TCP/IP 及相关Internet应用程序开发能力

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